‘PRARTHNA is a divine form of meditation that connects us to the universal consciousness…’
Perhaps the most familiar act of faith or religious practice, is prayer. Prayer is common to all religions. Everyone prays…. but everyone prays differently! The rituals accompanying prayer are equally varied. The postures while praying, the dress code, the rosary beads and the chantings are directed to invoke something special. Inspite of all the efforts to make the act of praying a divine process, one cannot help but notice that prayer has become a grossly misunderstood and wrongly practiced ritual.
The most important question is ‘Why do you or anyone actually pray?’
Do you pray when u are in trouble?
Do you pray when you are sick?
Do you pray when you need Money?
Do you pray to fulfill your wishes? Or
Do you pray for deliverance of a near & dear one? Or
You do not really know the right way to perform prayer?
Usually, our Prayers have become a consoling mechanism when in trouble ; Prayers have become a begging mechanism to fulfil our desires; Prayers have become an abstract routine of faith …. and most damaging of all, prayer has robbed us of our will and determination to act and fulfil our own purpose.
This does not mean that prayers must be abolished. Beneath the superficial rituals, there lies a deeper meaning. Beneath the ritualistic practices, there lies hidden a divine process…. a process which empowers us to change things; a process which modifies our existence.
Prayer, is an effort to invoke the divinity within us ; It is an effort to free ourselves from suffering! According to the philosophical viewpoint, Prayer is the divine energy of wilful change ; it is the science to change things. It a powerful tool of spirituality which aids our development and transcendence…….
The true science of prayer is embodied in the philosophy of ‘PRARTHNA’ which must be mastered!
The Science of Prarthna
The practice of Prarthna is a subtle art as well as an esoteric science. For the student of spirituality, it is the first lesson to be learnt, the first step towards a spiritual life! Prayer is considered to be a prerequisite for the development of one’s spiritual potential.
Prarthna is termed as an essential ‘Vyavhara’ or Spiritual Discipline. Vyahvara connects us to our mindfulness in our daily actions as the key to the evolution of our consciousness. It is, in fact, a subtle form of meditation too. Prarthna is almost a daily meditation. Prarthna Meditation helps us transform our behaviour into a mindful and meaningful experience, one which fulfils our purpose and aligns to the world around us too. Learning and mastering this art opens up the doors for higher forms of transcendental practices. Within Prarthna, are the conceptual roots of a profound transcendental practice.
Decoding ‘Prarthna’ ( Pra + Artha + Ana)……
‘Pra’ means ‘the divine’ or ‘the best’
‘Artha’ means a request or purposeful commitment
‘Ana’ means the actions resulting therefrom
Prarthna is a divine request to the self, to be committed to the principles of purposeful existence; and to experience the divine nectar from the right actions performed….
It implies that one must gain control over ones known and unknown intentions, which are the subtle forces guiding our behavioural dispositions. People behave in a particular way without understanding the reasons of their behaviour. Within the humble requests of Prarthna is the hidden command to our self …..steering our actions towards achieving a RIGHT CONDUCT status. Prarthana is a ‘resolute commitment’ to act and behave in such a way which assist in the process of self purification and transcendence to purer/higher states of existence. Prarthana is a reminder to ourself ; a reminder to discipline the otherwise undisciplined mind!
The practice of Prarthna Meditation elevates us to a higher level of experiencing reality.It is a special attuning. The practice of Prarthna Meditation bring immense peace, prosperity and happiness within a short time. One must remember that Prarthna is not about seeking deliverance or the begging for favours from some supernatural power. Prarthna is about invoking your inner strength…… about mastering your existence!