Vibhuti Tantra-Sutra
…. discovering the energy of creation
Vibhuti symbolises the ‘will’ of creation. Vibhuti is the act of courage…the inherent will to exist purposefully ( bhuti = to be ; vibhuti – give meaning to being). It forms the basis of deciding right and wrong and gives the courage to follow the divine path.
Vibhuti is also the intelligence behind the creative forces of the universe. Vibhuti Tantra-Sutra is the science behind creation. It is the power which allows one to master the manifestation of one’s own SELF……; Mastering Vibhuti Tantra is essential to overcome the delusions of creation and reach the ultimate state of existence…..
If we are in awe of the massive energy of our sun, then we will be overawed by the infinitely massive energy contained in the whole universe. To even think about making use of a tiny portion of this energy seems to be huge task……And further, to think that we have the potential to master all the energies of the universe seems impossible.
The living have immense powers at their disposal. From making their own heart to beat; to harnessing the power in an atom and mastering the forces of creation…..they can do it all. Vibhuti tantra is all about mastering the powers within us and the energies around us.
Vibhuti is also associated with Bhasma (ash) which serves as a reminder to cast away selfish and worldly desires that wrap the SELF in MAYA. Maya is the worldly illusion and distractions, and calls to mind the legend of how the supreme lord SHIVA burned KAMA (the god of desire) to ashes when Kama attempted to break Shiva’s meditation.
Vibhuti tantra is about harnessing divine energies, and mastering existence. Vibhuti tantra is all about mastering the courage to handle the universal energies and vanquish fear itself……