– Cultivating Equanimity
According to scientific spirituality, every soul-act is governed by two phenomenon – intentions and emotion-feelings. These are the subtle yet powerful influencers of our daily behaviour. Together they create our belief system. They are also the foundation of our desires and likes-dislikes.
The very presence of intentions and emotions-feelings are indicators that we do not have an evolved intelligence-knowledge system. It also implies that we are ignorant of our true potentials. It is only ignorance or false beliefs that result in a disturbed emotional state like Fear, anger, disgust and sadness etc. All actions resulting from a disturbed emotional state are the foundations of Karmic bondage.
Our enlightened masters emphasised on the need to understand our intentions and emotion-feeling state. Instead of trying to suppress them, they gave a novel idea to transcend therefrom. The technique was called ‘cultivating Samta’ or an attitude of equanimity with a feeling of calmness and peace in any given situation.
When one decides to be a non reactive observer, they are opening up the doors for a higher understand and faith. They align themselves to a state of ‘stith-pragya’ or an awakened state of higher intelligence. In this state ‘Samta’ becomes an perceptible phenomenon where one can drive away desire and dislike through equanimity.
‘Samta’ means to harbour the same feeling for all and at all times, and that too not of hatred or love, but a divine feeling of deep understanding and compassion.
Mahasadhana Samkaram is the art of stabilising ourselves and transcend our emotions-feelings to a state of equanimity (Sant-rasa) and also balance our reactions to people and things. Every moment we witness people and things and simultaneously our experience therefrom.
Samkaram leads to soul-equanimity (samta-bhaav or sant-rasa) where your innate intelligence and consciousness are free from the shadows of ignorance and false beliefs and you are able to perceive things as there truly meant to be.